Sunday, July 16, 2006

Latest addition to our family

As you may or may not know, my wife is in her 8th month of pregnancy and we are expecting another baby girl.

It seems though our cat beat us to it. Well, it isn't our cat per se, it just kind of visited us from time to time and her visits become longer and longer and then we heard the sound of a litter of kittens meowing... and there were 4 of them! The kittens are a few days old when we found them.

This is surely a blessing by Allah in someway and we appreciate the new addition to our family. My daughter is thrilled at the thought of owning a cat.

The only problem was, she gave birth in our newly setup baby room!!! we spent the whole day cleaning and moving things to our room. Sigh... a blessing in disguise... Take a look at the cat pictures below:


Unknown said...


my kucing also waiting for 'meletup'. i dont know when. the last time she 'meletup' is a few days before i lafaz nikah. so her baby is about 4 month++ years old. and now i'm waiting for her latest 'baby'... meeooowww...

yahoo.. bini ku pun dah pregnant juga.. maybe due on dec 2006! daddy, daddy.. nak susu.. ekekekke...!!

picang said...

tahniah la, bini aku nak meletup bulan 8 ni... so tunggu je la... oh ya... anak kucing tu dah mati aaa... sedey.... :(

Unknown said...
