Wednesday, May 28, 2008


i had these 2 pictures for almost a year now, thinking whether to post or not. After so many considerations, i've decided to post them.

Malaysians are becoming more and more innovative in terms of life, business and products. just take a look below!

ultromen! - supposed to spell Ultraman

Gigimon! - supposed to spell Digimon

Maybe copyright infringement in progress?
Made by SweetKiss Food here:
If you have seen any bloopers like these, drop a note in the comments section!


Unknown said...

Huh!! keep it almost a year..?? the chocolate company want to avoid to pay a royalti to the ori character (i guess) thats why the word ULTROMEN & GIGIMON was used...

ULTROMEN, sounds like kindergarten...!! lucky its not OTTOMEN... muaahahhaha...

picang said...

rizal... tu yg kelakar tu... if tsuburaya nak pursue court case kat sweetkiss, mesti menang punya... sedangkan Chaiyo Thailand pun tak berapa clear tapi kalo tak silap aku Tsuburaya menang