Monday, December 31, 2007

new year, new lease on life

2007 dah nak habis, masuk lak 2008.

Apa resolusi 2007 anda yang masih belum tercapai? apa yang akan anda buat untuk 2008? cuba capai resolusi 2007 yang sebenarnya resolusi 2006 dan seterusnya?

Myself? I'm hoping 2008 will start fresh with a new job. Yay people! I got myself a new job! I was supposed to submit my resignation letter today but i got an SMS from the boss saying i have to go up north come morning light. Since i'm commuting using wife's car it's gonna be tricky. And maybe to put up for the night... cisss. So i'm gonna hop in the office, drop the letter and then drove up north. Hahahha...

Anyway, to pass Sunday we made an early drive to Mid Valley MegaMall with the kids for lunch and take pictures of their season decorations. There was a fantasy lake like setting complete with "lalang", seed pods... it was marvelous. As we move to the jusco area (north side?) we see a christmas tree with giant mushrooms! Nisa was overjoyed!

Nisa: "Macam Mario la ayah!"

We had a great time and hoping all of you will have the same!

Happy New Year 2008!

Semoga Allah merahmati anda dan keluarga anda! Dan jgn cakap bohong!

PS: Pics will be up soon, if i can find a scanner and process the film... i know i'm still using an old school Nikon F55D... maybe i should add an addition to my resolution... buy a new digital camera!


Unknown said...

Me!! just able to make my 7 years old resolution happened... Kelakar ek!! it just happened yesterday the last day of 2007... hahhaaa...

And Feizal, Digital camera murah je tau...!!

picang said...

Rizal: alang2 beli digital kamera, amik terus la DSLR, aku tgh minat dgn Nikon DSLR D40x KLIK SINI UTK GAMBO tapi mcm tak mampu... ehhehe

Unknown said...

if Nikon DSLR D40x is quiet expensive, then, continue using your old school camera aaa... hehehe!! berjasa tu, berapa ramai kenduri kawin kawan kawan yang gambarnya diabadikan dari old school camera tu..

my aunt buy a set of nikon, cost her rm12k, camera rm3 and balance, you know, the lens [orang melayu kata lensa].

Unknown said...

Oh!! Lepas ni kerja kat mana??

picang said...

aku akan join mesiniaga

Anonymous said...

Kalo nak test D40x, u can try mine. kena beli utk sem lepas... dapat student price. muahaha... basic kit laa.. plus free tripod. ade canon nye model leh dpt lg murah than D40x, but, i think beli Nikon lg berbaloi..